
Having aligned teeth isn’t just a cosmetic issue. Although the value of being proud of your smile shouldn’t be underestimated, there are also oral hygiene issues associated with teeth that are jumbled or partially erupted. We work hard at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach to keep our patients’ teeth clean and to provide them with the means to take care of themselves, but there are some situations in which intervention is necessary as a preventive measure. Among those is pericoronitis, which could require a tooth extraction or gum surgery to permanently treat.

Pericoronitis is the inflammation of gum tissue surrounding a dental crown. The phrase is used to describe inflammation surrounding a crown that has only partially erupted, with part of the tooth still underneath a flap of gingival tissue called an operculum. This most often happens to wisdom teeth, which are the largest teeth and the last to erupt, which often leaves them without enough room to fully push through. A person with an impacted wisdom tooth would find it difficult or impossible to clean underneath the operculum, so they would not be able to prevent the growth of decay-causing bacteria there. As decay progresses, the impacted tooth will become painful and potentially abscessed, and the gum will likewise be sore.

During a dental cleaning, our professional hygienists can use specialized instruments to clean under an operculum. However, the problem will likely recur for as long as the operculum remains. At All Coast Dental, we use laser surgical tools for soft tissue removal, and we may propose removing the operculum. But since impacted wisdom teeth often push other teeth out of place and remain useless and difficult to clean, we may recommend removing them as well, which we do safely and efficiently.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

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2180 Garnet Avenue, Suite 1-K Pacific Beach, CA 92109


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